So, which ones will they be? A quick query of the Bentley Historical Library's image archive has a few choices:

My vote is for the white ones, because they're the goofiest-looking, and therefore the coolest to have as a throwback.
There's a lot more in the article than just talk about our jerseys, however. There's great stuff in there about the process of setting up the rink, the financial considerations, even why you'd want to rent a separate Zamboni from the one used in your arena.
Stevenson also talks about wanting to get the "Big Chill" graphic on the ice, even though it's typically not recommended due to dark spots attracting sunlight. Michigan may take a creative approach however:
"One of the options we're looking into is whether we can project that logo on the ice from some type of a light system and not have it actually in the ice," he says.I'm curious how that would work and not annoy the players. It'd be kind of sweet though.
It's a really great read. Another very cool revelation is that if the ground is frozen, they may plow the golf course and let cars park on it. How awesome would it be to tailgate on the golf course before a hockey game at Michigan Stadium?
I know nobody expects him to leave next year, but has anybody heard anything about Red yet? All the talk from the AD after the NCAA Regional was that word of a new contract would be out a week or 2 and I have yet to hear anything one way or the other and it's becoming just a tad unsettling...
MSU's Greg Ianni is quoted mumerous times. Everyone has done their homework and the venue will be absolutly awesome, unless there is 20 inches of snow.
Would it be a bad thing to flash the "Big Chill" graphic ... only at times to annoy our opponents?
IIRC from the Towsley Sports Museum, that hockey jersey is MAIZE, not white, with blue and red(!) stripes.
Good use of the Bently Library!!!
To everyone else, I HIGHLY recommend going there and looking at their pictures. There are some AMAZING ones of Yost. My particular favorite is the one from the official opening ceremonies. The original plans had an upper deck.
Go Blue!
Go Blue! I found the perfect tee for this game it has the two helmets clashing and is totally awesome, check it out at campus den.
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