Bret from GBW talked with someone from the team at 1 am last night as the results were starting to get back to the players, and, though they weren't ready to let the information out, his source did tell him, "It's not good."
Red indicated that if Mitera is out long-term that he would consider moving Chris Summers back to defense full-time. I think you pretty much have to make that move. Strangely enough, our defense probably won't end up taking a hit because of Mitera's injury. You could make the case that Summers was actually better--or at least more consistent--last year. So you take one top-notch player out of the lineup and replace him with someone equally good. The impact is going to be up front where we'll lose the services of Summers, who I think was going to be an absolute monster. Also, we lose our safety net on the blueline. It sounds as if Llewellyn would be able to play tonight, but we need to get Burlon back and we can't really afford to have anyone else go down at this point.
I think the Hockey Gods just don't want Summers playing forward. Last year he played a couple games up front before leaving for the GLI and then having Kevin Quick get booted from the team. This year Mitera goes down in the first fricken period of the season, likely forcing him to move back to defense.
The other thing is that whether Mitera is out long-term or not, we're going to have to name someone else an alternate captain. It seems pretty clear that our captain is going to miss some time, if not the season. That would leave Summers as the only letter-wearing player out there. They're going to have to put a letter on at least one other guy's jersey. My nominee: Matt Rust. He's already quite possibly our best forward, he leads by example (playing with a broken leg?!), and he's got future captain written all over him. Might as well take this as an opportunity to start grooming him.
One thing I forgot to mention last night over here (I did bring it up at the Yost Post), and it was mentioned in the comments, is that Brandon Naurato needs to be smarter. He took two penalties last night, both of which were unnecessary from the sound of it. One negated a Michigan power play in the third period of a tied hockey game. The other was an offensive-zone penalty (I believe) and the Saints scored on the power play.
Lastly, our new jerseys are AMAZING. I absolutely love 'em. I'm usually against jerseys that have numbers on the front, but underneath the name of the team is the one acceptable location. Just so long as they never put them up by the shoulder.

Between Llewellyn, Mitera, and Burlon, I wonder if that's enough injuries early on that Brian can officially announce the addition of an Angry Michigan Defenseman Hating God?
Mitera's out for the season...
Can't tell from the picture, but is that dazzle mesh fabric? Even if it's not, it looks pretty sweet.
It is indeed. I think it's an excellent modern take on an old-time classic look.
I just wish they had gone with the jersey tie on the other two jerseys....I love those things.
I'm realizing that I don't actually have a white UM jersey in my collection ... i think I might have to try and get one. Can't seem to find them on M-Den's site. Are they in the stores yet? And are the ones in the stores also the dazzle mesh?
They aren't in the stores yet that I know of. Someone at the Yost Post (or at USCHO) said they asked at Briarwood's MDen and they said they should have them by the end of the week.
Unfortunately, I would bet that the ones in the stores will be the normal fabric.
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