That white sweater is absolutely amazing. It gets points right off the bat for having a tie. The striping is very old-time hockey. (See the Hoover Street Rag link for a picture of Red wearing a similar jersey back in his day.) The collar is only one color. To fit with the old-time feel, it's the only one of the three that doesn't have patches on the shoulders. It's a nice, classic look which we haven't really seen in awhile (even the similar pattern on our blues a few years back had those god-awful pit stains).
Unless I'm mistaken, this is the first deviation from the standard white-jersey-blue-M in a long time. I think we've had that style (plus or minus pit stains) every year since I've been closely following the program (2000-01). It's a really nice change, even if I do like the old style as well.
I also like the addition of the CCHA logo to each jersey. They may have offered that on the recent replicas; it's been a few years since I've bought one. But I like it anyway. I also like that Adidas got the lettering correct on the maize jerseys. The Nike lettering was way too small.
I wish the blue and maize jerseys had ties, but apart from that, I think Adidas has done a really nice job. I'll be purchasing all three of them since, amazingly, I don't have a blue jersey with a maize M. But yeah, that white jersey is absolutely fantastic. I think that one has a good chance to become my #1, since my current favorite (the 98-style gold dazzle one) has proven to be horribly unlucky (at least at the Frozen Four).
Agreed on the white, that is fantastic. And a note on the previous white-jersey-blue-M look, it goes back to at least the early 1990's in some form or another (used to have blue shoulders back then).
But all 3 are really superb, nice job Adidas.
i concur, brad. the white home unis have been block M since at least then, and i would guess since the early 70s or so (based on my recollection of team photos). at some point (2002?), they went w/ the block M for all 3 colors (i didn't like that). the diagonal wasn't my preference, but it has grown on me. also, if it were my decision, i'd go w/ the block M for white and the arching michigan on the blue (or the arching michigan on both/all 3).
the blue arching michigan away jerseys from the early 90s were the best, imo. almost all blue, save the arching michigan a few maize stripes, and the wings on the helmet. beautiful.
Now THAT is a jersey! I'm buying one of the white ones. Period.
i concur, brad. the white home unis have been block M since at least then, and i would guess since the early 70s or so (based on my recollection of team photos). at some point (2002?), they went w/ the block M for all 3 colors (i didn't like that). the diagonal wasn't my preference, but it has grown on me. also, if it were my decision, i'd go w/ the block M for white and the arching michigan on the blue (or the arching michigan on both/all 3).
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Red wore that white jersey in the 60's, or very similar. A True Blue Classic.
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